5-billion-yuan anti-desertification project approved in Ordos
investordos.goinnermongolia.com.cn | Updated: May 24, 2024


The construction on the "Photovoltaic Great Wall" is in full swing in Ordos. [Photo/investordos.goinnermongolia.com.cn]


The construction site of the "Photovoltaic Great Wall". [Photo/investordos.goinnermongolia.com.cn]


The construction site of the "Photovoltaic Great Wall". [Photo/investordos.goinnermongolia.com.cn]


The construction site of the "Photovoltaic Great Wall". [Photo/investordos.goinnermongolia.com.cn]


The desert is planted with trees in Ordos. [Photo/investordos.goinnermongolia.com.cn]

A 1-million-kilowatt project intended to prevent desertification as well as generate wind and solar power officially obtained construction approval recently in Ordos, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region.

The project, led by Ordos State-owned Assets Investment Holding Group and jointly developed and implemented by local photovoltaic equipment manufacturing enterprises and ecological governance enterprises, is the largest photovoltaic grid-connected project independently implemented by the group. It is also the first project aimed at both fighting desertification and producing and generating both wind and photovoltaic power to be led by a municipal State-owned enterprise in Inner Mongolia.

With a total investment of about 5 billion yuan ($690 million), the project covers an area of about 30,000 mu (2,000 hectares). It will allow for the ecological governance of 120,000-mu of land and feature a photovoltaic power station which has a total installed capacity of 1 million kW and is equipped with 15-percent and 2-hour energy storage.

The project is developed in accordance with the "Photovoltaic Great Wall" plan in Ordos. Relying on the rich new energy resources, solid foundation of new industries and successful experience in Kubuqi desertification control in Ordos, the project will focus on ecological improvement and anti-desertification, while giving full play to the space under the photovoltaic modules, thus building an ecological corridor featuring anti-desertification and green energy.

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