Driverless buses offer new travel experience in Kangbashi
Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Since July 2023, driverless buses in Kangbashi district of Ordos have offered rides for over 10,000 tourists and residents, providing a new travel experience for them. 

The buses, which have no driver or steering wheel, have automatic braking and acceleration capabilities. In the complex and ever-changing traffic conditions of urban areas, they rely on laser radar and high-precision positioning systems to decelerate, avoid vehicles, people and other obstacles, make autonomous lane changes, recognize traffic lights, and park.

"The ride is very smooth, and I didn't feel dizzy at all. I just saw on the screen inside the bus that the speed was maintained at around 25 kilometers per hour, and it automatically stopped at the red light. It feels very futuristic and amazing," said tourist Zhang Yang.

The autonomous buses use advanced technologies such as 5G, vehicle-road coordination, and artificial intelligence, combined with cloud control systems, roadside perception equipment, and smart platforms for integrated control, achieving intelligent vehicle monitoring, safety warnings, and collaborative operation with other vehicles in the area.

"The vehicles operate automatically according to the set route, and so far there have been no traffic violations," said Qiao Hongmei, director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Kangbashi District.

In addition to the autonomous buses, the district has also seen the presence of intelligent connected vehicles such as autonomous rental test cars, unmanned vending cars and self-driving cleaning vehicles on the streets and scenic spots, providing residents and tourists with a unique "smart experience".

Next, Kangbashi district plans to further expand the application scenarios of intelligent connected vehicles, creating a comprehensive demonstration area for the application of intelligent connected vehicles in Ordos, to enhance the quality of urban cultural tourism, travel, and services as well as empowering smart city management.

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