Ordos's new energy investments up 255.3% from Jan to Nov 2023
Updated: Feb 01, 2024

From January to November 2023, Ordos experienced an impressive year-on-year surge of 255.3 percent in new energy investments. This acceleration accounts for a significant 36.4 percent of the total investments and contributes to a remarkable 34 percentage point increase in overall investment growth.

Notably, the new energy manufacturing sector played a pivotal role in this surge. Investment in the new energy manufacturing industry from January to November witnessed an astounding year-on-year increase of 789.1 percent, constituting 62 percent of the total new energy industry investments and driving a growth rate increase of 195.5 percentage points.

The computer communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry experienced an exceptional growth of 1,314 times from the same period in the previous year, while the chemical materials and chemical product manufacturing industry steadily grew by 919.4 percent year-on-year, and the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry maintained robust growth with an increase of 558.5 percent.

Investments in new energy generation demonstrated strong momentum. During the same period, wind power investments surged by 33.2 percent year-on-year, contributing 7 percent to the total new energy industry investment and driving a growth rate increase of 5.4 percentage points. Solar power investments witnessed a remarkable 162.9 percent growth, constituting 28.2 percent of total new energy industry investments and driving a growth rate increase of 62.1 percentage points. Key contributions came from projects such as the Kubuqi 2 million-kilowatt photovoltaic sand control project and the pilot project of the Ordos North-Central New Energy Base in the Kubuqi Desert, both with investments exceeding 3 billion yuan ($417.9 million) in 2023.

All nine districts and banners of the city collaborated in propelling new energy investments, achieving positive growth from January to November 2023. Uxin banner saw a remarkable YoY growth of 27.1 times; Otog front banner grew by 10.3 times; Ejin Horo banner increased by 344.1 percent; Dalad banner rose by 306.9 percent; Dongsheng district grew by 171.9 percent; Otog banner increased by 72.8 percent; Hanggin banner grew by 58.3 percent; Jungar banner rose by 14.1 percent; and Kangbashi district witnessed the establishment of new energy investments.

Funding support for new energy projects was robust. From January to November 2023, the growth rate of Ordos' new energy investment that became available increased by 251.5 percent year-on-year, surpassing the average by 204.7 percentage points. Among these, national budget funds increased by 145.5 percent, accounting for 4.3 percent of the in-place funds; domestic loans increased by 186.4 percent, constituting 28 percent of the in-place funds; and self-raised funds increased by 307.6 percent, accounting for 67.6 percent of the in-place funds, serving as the main source of new energy investment.

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